Removing Decals

Do you have some decals that you need to remove from your household surfaces? Try this trick that works well and doesn’t damage most surfaces. Most households have at least one run in with decals. Whether they are tub decals that you have inherited (or placed yourself) or stickers that kids have stuck to the furniture, decals can be difficult to deal with. And those tub decals can be especially tough to remove. The standard way that I used to remove decals is by peeling off as much of the decal as possible and then applying nail polish remover to … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: November 12 – 18

This has been a week filled with various holiday articles from Veterans Day to Thanksgiving, and even touching on Christmas. This is a busy time of year, so we hope some of our tips and ideas will help make things a little less hectic. We started the Countdown to Thanksgiving at Seven Days and Counting. More tips were added with Six More Days and again at Five Days Away and now we’re left with only Four Days to Go. Mary Ann offered a different type of checklist, with 12 Things to Do in November. Several of this week’s articles had … Continue reading