Good Time to Buy Supplies for the Home Office

Back to school sales are on and it’s the perfect time of year to re-stock your home office. You can pick up loose leaf paper, pens, pencils, pencil sharpeners, erasers, report folders, binders, glue, glue sticks, thumbtacks, staplers, staples, Sticky Tack, Post it notes, White Out, highlighters, tape, scissors, and many other supplies for your office, often at less than half the regular price. Aside from stocking your desk with these (and more) handy supplies, you can also find great organizers for your office at low prices. Instead of paying $14.99 for the “office” style magazine organizer, grab the “locker” … Continue reading

Home Office: Rearrange and Reorganize

One of the most important spaces to keep organized is the home office. It’s not that the other spaces don’t count; it’s because the home office generally contains important papers including household financial information, even if your home office isn’t used for a home business. It helps to create a system for keeping papers filed appropriately and easy to find. While many simply file things alphabetically, you might find that another system works better for you. You might prefer to file bills and things by date and then also keep separate boxes, which you can stash in the closet, to … Continue reading

Resources for Organizing Your Home Office

In previous articles, tips were given for organizing your home office. Today, I’ll offer some resources for finding or making storage units to help you keep things organized, starting with some of the items mentioned in those other articles. Business Card Organizers You can pick up a mini photo album at any dollar store and place business cards between transparent sheets instead of filling the pages with pictures. You can also purchase small files for business cards, or you can pick up a business card organizer that is similar to a photo album but has pages specially designed and fitted … Continue reading

Organized Mornings: Papers, Pennies, Permission Slips

Do you run around looking for a pen to sign those permission slips and progress reports or looking for pages from the report you were supposed to turn in at work? There’s a better way… Set up a station for papers needed for work, permission slips and school notes, and other important items. Include a supply of envelopes to place milk money for kids or daily cash for others. Mark each person’s name on his or her envelope and put the allotted amount into each envelope the night before. Aside from saving time, this will help ensure that you don’t … Continue reading

Do You Really Need Business Cards?

I don’t have business cards. This doesn’t mean that I haven’t had them. I’ve held various positions where business cards were provided and I’ve even done my own a time or two for my freelancing and consulting work. Over the years, however, I’ve phased out the use of business cards and found other ways of promoting myself and my business that work just as well (or better)—but that doesn’t mean that business cards aren’t still a fine promotional tool for entrepreneurs promoting their home-based businesses. I know other business owners who swear by business cards. It gives them an easy … Continue reading

Where Should I Put the Desk?

My brother in law gave me a desk yesterday. It was nice of him to think of me and the best part is, it’s exactly like the one I originally chose for my home office. When I first started writing, I asked for a desk for Christmas that year, which my husband gave me to help me begin setting up my home office. It didn’t manage to stay in my room very long, and instead soon became the family computer desk. I didn’t mind, but I always wished I could find another one like it. It’s just the right size … Continue reading