Seasonal Decorating: The Backdrop

We have begun discussing strategies for seasonal decorating. We have to start somewhere, right? The best place to begin is with the overall design plan of a space you’d like to redecorate, and one you’d like to be able to freshen up with each season and special occasion. By using basic colors and furnishings to create a neutral backdrop, you can make a space interesting through the use of accessories and art. You’ll be able to change the entire look and feel of a space instantly by altering these items, instead of having to redecorate the entire space. But, don’t … Continue reading

Reversible Decor Elements

If you like to change things around in your home and change your decor every so often, perhaps with the seasons, you can do so easily with reversible decor elements. Creating reversible decor elements not only allows you to change the look and feel of a space with ease, but it also gives you more bang for your buck. Instead of having four separate sets of accent pillows for the family room sofa, to change with the seasons, you can cut that number in half. Make pillows that feature one color, texture, or print on the face, and another completely … Continue reading

Shape up Your Guest Room in No Time

We’re running out of time before Thanksgiving. There may be no time left to paint or do other projects you had hoped to complete. That’s okay, because there are some quick, simple, affordable ways to get the guest room looking great and you can use these ideas at holidays or any time. First, check into a reversible comforter set, duvet cover, or one of those “bed in a bag” deals. By changing the bedding, thus treating what is generally the focal point in any bedroom, you’ll make an impact quickly. There are some terrific and affordable options, and if you … Continue reading

Getting Started on the Nursery

Having a baby is very exciting, as is creating the perfect nursery for your little angel. There are so many different items available for decorating the nursery today that it can be difficult to choose. Where should you begin? It helps to picture the nursery you want to create in your mind and decide if you would like it to revolve around a theme or a certain color scheme or design style. Do you want a trademark character theme, animals, something gender specific, or gender neutral? Do you have a special color in mind that you just love? Should the … Continue reading

Deck out Your Dorm (or Help the Kids)

So, a dorm room doesn’t usually offer a ton of extra space, especially if you have a roommate. That doesn’t mean you can’t squeeze in a little holiday decorating and a few festive touches. One of the best ways to make an impact is of course with color. The good thing is that if you choose just the right color, you can make it work through Thanksgiving and Christmas, instead of having to get all new stuff after just a few weeks. Another good thing is that it’s easy to create a festive look. If you have artwork on your … Continue reading