Ridding Your Yard of Raccoons

I recently blogged about how crafty and determined squirrels often get the best of homeowners by ravaging gardens and cleaning out birdfeeders. Like squirrels, raccoons can also do a number on your garden, birdfeeder or trash can (if you have ever left a dumpster unsecured you know what I am talking about). If you think that these nocturnal animals prefer the wild, think again. Many take to city streets at night and thrive due to the generosity of homeowners who don’t properly fasten trash can lids. Raccoons love corn, strawberries, peas, potatoes, melons, and just about any other edible goodie … Continue reading

Diary of a Cat Care B&B: Three Cases for Keeping Cats Indoors

We currently have three guests at the cats-only boarding facility who make a very good case for keeping cats indoors. One is easily one of my favorite all-time guests. He’s a big tabby fellow and a total sweetheart — that’s probably why his family called him Pooky. These days, Pooky is a lover, not a fighter. But in his past? He was probably a fighter. He’s got a few good-sized scars running down his nose that speak of old fights. Pooky is an indoor cat now, and I wonder if that’s what gave his lovebug side the opportunity to show. … Continue reading

Diary of a Cat Care B&B: More Snapshots

I really enjoy my work at the cats only boarding facility. It gives me a chance to get out from behind the computer and get moving — I’ve actually gone down a pants size since I started working there in December! All that cleaning is good for me. Here are some more funny moments from work! Mushy Shoes… Timing is everything in comedy, right? I was feeding a cat the other day and had just delivered a big bowl of mushy food. Something must have startled her, because she took a flying leap and ran for the little room where … Continue reading