Staging your home yourself for a faster sale

Just about everyone who is trying to sell a house in this tough buyers market is advised to have their home staged. Paying for a home stager however, may not be in the budget, especially if you are trying to sell under duress as it is your only option to prevent foreclosure. The average cost of professional home staging is $2300 with the price range being from $1000 to $5000. There are also survices for a few hundred dollars that will lay out a do-it-yourself plan for you. While these services are very helpful, should you be short on money, … Continue reading

Slipcovers Are Your Friends

If you asked me 10 years ago what I thought about slipcovers I would have simply answered: “I don’t.” Slipcovers? You mean those things that grandmothers and neat freaks cover their sofas with? No way, they were not on my decorating radar. Fast forward to today, and here I am writing a blog about slipcovers and (gasp!) how they’ve become wonderful attributes to my household. So what changed? I gave birth. Contrary to popular belief, the fact that my water broke on our unprotected sofa wasn’t the moment I became a slipcover convert. I think it may have been after … Continue reading

The Smelly Home Conspiracy

There is a huge market out there for home fragrance products, all of them vying for your hard earned money. The advertisements seems to tell you that if you don’t buy all of this stuff, your home will smell and you won’t have any friends. If your child’s room doesn’t smell like the scent of pineapple or a summer breeze, then you must be a bad parent. And only dirty housekeepers don’t have a home that smells like a fresh lemon or a spring day. Out of the good of their hearts, they will even give their little machines away, … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: February 11 – 17

What kind of weather are you experiencing in your area? If it is cold, I hope you are staying warm. Michele has some tips for just how to do that this week. She also had some tips on pillows, like how to choose them and which ones are best for allergy sufferers. We had some reviews and recalls and even some plant care tips. Valentine’s Day was also this week, so I hope you had fun and kept warm at the same time. Valentine’s Day can be a lot of fun, but now you can relax… well, until Easter anyway! … Continue reading