Save With Smart Snacking Strategies

Your family’s grocery budget seems to be getting tighter and tighter these days. The kids are growing, and so are their appetites. Food prices have been steadily creeping up for a while, too. You want to be able to feed your family plenty of good food, but you don’t want to break the bank either. If you look at grocery store receipts from past shopping trips, you may notice that snack foods make up a bigger portion of your grocery bill than you thought. The good thing about this is that you do not have to stop snacking, nor do … Continue reading

Dealing with the Snack Monsters

We have several snack monsters in the house. They are in the form of small children who are always hungry. Well, there are some medium children now, too, along with all of their friends. It seems that every time I turn around, someone needs a snack, either at home, to be packed for school or to be brought along on outings. If I counted out all of the minutes that I spend retrieving or preparing snacks for everyone, it would probably be longer than the time I spend waiting in line, or sleeping. Imagine all of the use that time … Continue reading

Books in The Freezer? Wacky Storage Spaces for the Biblio-Inclined

“When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes” – Erasmus Is your home suffering from too many books or just not enough places to store them all? If you are like me, and Erasmus, books hold a special importance in your household. But if you find that you aren’t able to fit them all on your bookshelves, consider some of the more creative places that people store their books. Okay, I will start with me. I have to admit that I have a number of books being stored in … Continue reading

Wash Tubs , Play Dough Containers & Shoe Hangers – a Few Clever Craft Storage Tools

I have always been an avid crafter. I love to paint, create with clay, draw and build. Needless to say, I have a pretty chaotic craft room, or as my husband not-so-politely calls it…a “crap” room. My craft room became even more cluttered when my daughter turned three. She definitely got my crafty…(and slightly disorganized) genes. Suddenly my already crazy craft room was also filled with preschooler essentials like coloring books, crayons, beads, buttons, tissue paper, and left over toilet paper rolls. In an attempt to regain order, I came up with a few creative ways to store all of … Continue reading

Choose Fruit for Healthy Kid or Adult Snacks

If you have kids, then I’m sure you’ve heard, “I’m hungry” quite a few times, right? I don’t know about you, but I often forget that snack time is coming up, and, of course, my child has not forgotten about it. I usually give her a few choices for her snack, and she’ll usually choose the same ol’ thing, goldfish crackers and raisins. While raisins are a great snack choice and very healthy for her to eat, the goldfish crackers are not so much, and I really should find a healthier alternative to them, for instance whole wheat or whole … Continue reading

Frugal Kids: Inexpensive Class Snacks

At my oldest son’s full-day kindergarten, parents are required to provide class snacks once a month. The school asks that the snacks be easy to eat with a minimum of mess. Most parents seem to have resorted to individually packed snacks, but with a class size of 23, providing those types of snacks would really eat into our monthly food bill. Even taking advantage of combining coupons and sales, those little packages of peanut butter crackers, for example, cost close to $.75 a package! Not to mention that those type of snacks are often loaded with stuff you may not … Continue reading

Five Ideas for Food Storage Christmas Gifts

One great holiday gift is to give the gift of food storage. If you know that a family is trying to build their food storage, this is a great gift that you can easily customize to the families needs. You may want to discuss specifically what they are in need of, especially if they have been storing food for awhile. If they have not been, but are just starting you may want to use one of the five ideas listed below. 1) The easiest thing to do is to pick a category and to buy items out of that category. … Continue reading

Food Storage: Five Options for Storing Grains

It is important to store a large variety of items in your food storage. There are many different options that you can store under the grain category. You will need to take into account your family’s needs, and store according to what they will eat. It is important that they become used to eating the foods you store. You will also need to take into account any food allergies that your family may have. Here are five options you can choose from in order to store food. You should choose to store a little from each category. 1) Wheat is … Continue reading

Kitchen Guide–Food Storage Part 2

In my previous blog “Kitchen Guide-Food Storage Part 1” I provided a list of the best places to store food so they stay fresher, taste better, and deliver more health benefits. Obviously, the refrigerator is an important tool when it comes to food storage. But, as I have learned (the hard way) in order to prolong the shelf life of certain foods, it takes more than just opening the fridge and randomly throwing products in. By putting food items in the “proper” place, you not only extend their shelf life, you also maximize the value of your refrigerator. Top Shelves … Continue reading

Five Days to an Organized Pantry: Day 4

We are almost finished with our pantry organization! There is only today and tomorrow to go! Isn’t that great? So far, we’ve put some good practices in place. Let us continue now and keep up the good momentum. Day 4: Unwrap the Pack Most of the time when we get home from the grocery store, we take the groceries out of the bag and put them in the pantry right away. I know that if I don’t do it right then, I’m likely to have bags of groceries sitting on the kitchen counter or kitchen until the next day. To … Continue reading