Supplies for Seasonal Cleaning

I kicked off 2013 with a determination to conquer what I call a lost art in society, housekeeping.  My way of defining housekeeping is cleaning, repairs, decorating and organizing. January’s focus is on cleaning, which I blogged about the three main types of cleaning:  seasonal, deep and maintenance.  Last week I introduced you to a seasonal cleaning plan and today we are going to talk about the supplies you need. As a reminder, seasonal cleaning targets those areas inside and outside the home that you are likely to get to once-a-year.  Examples include washing windows and cleaning out the garage. … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning: The Garage

In most families, garage cleaning is left up to the man of the house. Unless, of course, your last name is Kardashian or Jenner, then organizing the garage is a job for professionals. For the rest of us mere mortals, spring is a time when the entire home gets deep-cleaned from top to bottom, including the garage. While it may seem stereotypical to insist that your husband tackle the task, the fact is, if your significant other houses his collection of tools, sporting equipment and other boy’s toys in the garage, then you might need an extra hand to help … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning is a Family Affair

Well, my obsession with spring cleaning is finally being noticed by the rest of my family, especially my husband. I approached the subject yesterday and mentioned how this year I really needed the whole family to pull together to get it done. While I normally handle the bulk if not all of the spring cleaning myself, this year it has to be different. We’ve been in our new home for almost two years now. Much of the cleaning and repairing time has been ongoing since then. The first few months saw a flurry of cleaning, because the house had been … Continue reading

Frugal Living Review: May 19th Through May 25th

Did you have a good week? Ours was pretty good as far as being frugal. It was raining during the week days, so that probably helped, since we didn’t go anywhere. On Friday, out came the sun and the yard sales. Here is the Frugal Living week in review for May 19th though May 25th May 19th Frugal Living Week in Review: May 12th Through May 18th I sometimes get asked the question, where do you come up with your frugal ideas?!? I love this question, because it really humbles me. I am by no means someone who comes to … Continue reading

The Recession and Garage Sales

The Memorial Day weekend is the official start to the yard or garage or tag sale season here on much of the east coast. I have gotten some of my very best bargains at Memorial Day weekend garage sales. Folks have spent the last few weeks doing their organizing and spring cleaning, and they are ready to sell their stuff. For my little area of Pennsylvania, the sales should be numerous, since this is the first nice weather that we have had in a week, and everyone should be out and about enjoying it one way or another, including holding … Continue reading

My Spring Cleaning the Master Closet 2

Come with me and help me spring clean my master closet. Add your tips in the comment section. I’m going through clothing right now, but there is more ahead. So, we are still in my master closet, and regarding clothing, I also got rid of items that needed repair. Since I hadn’t bothered to repair anything in years, there was probably very little chance that I would have the motivation to do so any time soon. Maybe it is wasteful not to repair the skirt with the pulled out hem, for example, but it is just as wasteful to leave … Continue reading

Is your Shed ready for Spring?

If you have a garden shed, tool shed, workshop, out building, or basically any structure smaller than a garage that roughly fits the description “shed,” it is likely to be last on your list of spring cleaning chores. After all, sheds are not the most beautiful spaces, and we don’t get quite the sense of accomplishment from getting rid of spider webs and dust in the shed that we get from making spaces inside our homes look like new. Still, cleaning the shed is valuable. It makes it much easier to work, to find things, and to organize projects. Getting … Continue reading

More Tips for Updating a Garage

Spring cleaning can also mean spring cleaning out. And there is probably no better space in most people’s homes than the garage for an overhaul. I already shared some ideas for simple updates to the garage space that will make a big impact. Now, I have some more tips for you. If you have an outside door leading in to your garage, consider replacing it with a 15-pane door. The panes of glass will let in a lot of light to the space. If you are worried about privacy, you can hand a curtain or blind as needed. For a … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning: Postponed

The title may inspire some to say “hurray!” Postpone spring cleaning? Sounds like a fine idea to me. Normally, I’d try to roll up my sleeves and get busy, but I’m going to put it off this year. I’m not really sure spring has sprung just yet anyway, considering the intense weather we’ve been having. The weather is playing a big role in my decision to postpone spring cleaning, not only because I’m just not ready for it yet, but also because there are now other more pressing matters. Our yard and washed out driveway are going to need attention … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: March 10 – 16

This week, we went from “talking trash” to discussing Spring Cleaning. Did you miss any of these? Reducing Your Trash By reducing the amount you waste, you can save money (if you pay per bag or pound of disposal) and do something good for the environment. Here are some ideas to help you reduce your garbage… Don’t miss part two and part three. Yard Work… Now? Is it time to start yard work already? It may seem a bit early, especially if your weather is still a little unpredictable, but there are some things you can begin doing now… Things … Continue reading