Spring Cleaning as a Family—All at Once or Over Time?

I tend to be the sort of person who wants to jump in and get a project done all at once. That goes for spring cleaning too—I like to set aside a Saturday and just really get down to it—dredging closets, cleaning out cupboards, washing all the rugs and curtains, etc. BUT, I’ve learned over time that if it’s going to be a “family project”—I might have to adjust my own personal style and allow for not only a division of labor, but also a breaking up of the time. Working on family projects—assuming that spring cleaning IS a family … Continue reading

Supplement Your Home-Based Income by “Swapping Up”

At the beginning of the new year the pastor at my church gave a sermon on simplicity. “Do you really need fifteen pairs of shoes?” He asked the congregation. While I’ve never been much of a shoe collector, I do like to horde craft notions and books. I had a room full of glues, paints, brushes, scissors and other odds and ends I never used. My husband and I decided to start our own “de-cluttering campaign” to kick off the new year. We tackled my craft room, his extensive coat collection and both of our closets that were overflowing with … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning: What To Do After You Purge Your Closets

Currently, it is –5 degrees Fahrenheit in my neck of the woods (-26 degrees with the windchill). Nowhere near spring-like temperatures, but that’s not stopping me from continuing my “spring cleaning” project. Last week, I told you that I was purging my home in an effort to find space for all the goodies we received over the holidays. Today I worked on the front closet and my daughter’s closet. The latter was a lot more challenging than the former. My daughter had a major growth spurt during our recent trip to Hawaii (she went from fitting into 2T’s to now … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: March 10 – 16

This week, we went from “talking trash” to discussing Spring Cleaning. Did you miss any of these? Reducing Your Trash By reducing the amount you waste, you can save money (if you pay per bag or pound of disposal) and do something good for the environment. Here are some ideas to help you reduce your garbage… Don’t miss part two and part three. Yard Work… Now? Is it time to start yard work already? It may seem a bit early, especially if your weather is still a little unpredictable, but there are some things you can begin doing now… Things … Continue reading

Selling Clothes Online

A lot of entrepreneurs get their start on eBay, and often through selling clothing. Everyone has clothes, and parents so often find themselves with outgrown clothing that they have little use for. But, clothing is by far the largest category on the site, and the competition is fierce. With the recent raise in fees, it is often not profitable to sell used clothing on eBay at all, but there are a few exceptions. One of the exceptions I have found is for very high end clothing. These are the brands that people will be actively searching for. If you have … Continue reading