Choosing a Compost Bin

We’ve been through the mill, my composter and I. I’ve gone through so many different sorts of composting devices in my garden that it makes my head spin and my nose wrinkle. Soon we’ll be back to the beginning, with a new full-size composter in our yard. If you’re starting the composting journey or looking to switch, what sorts of bins are available? The large outdoor bin is the easiest way to compost. If you have a small space it is not the most convenient, though. These bins require green and brown ingredients and some aeration so that they don’t … Continue reading

Troubleshooting for the Worm Bin

Do you have very little space? Do you want to compost? If so, a worm bin may be just the thing. In my last blog, I described how to make a worm bin. Once you have created your indoor or deck-based compost bin, you need to know how to maintain it. Maintaining a worm bin is a little more challenging than the dump and run approach to a backyard compost bin. After all, everything is happening in a small space, and the bin may be inside your home. It’s not exactly a place where you want nasty odors. Start your … Continue reading

Starting a Worm Bin

It’s starting to feel like spring here in the Pacific Northwest. While everyone else is still plowing snow, we’re generally tending the crocuses. In the cold, wet rain, of course. Spring gets me thinking about the garden, so expect a lot of garden-related posts in the coming weeks. Now, if you’re in an apartment or a townhouse like I am, you may have some restrictions on your gardening behavior. Our current home is not all that restrictive in its bylaws, hence the wild-looking raspberry canes and oregano in our front yard. As long as we add a few flowers, it’s … Continue reading

A Guide to Inexpensive Composting 3

Have you ever thought about composting? It is a frugal way to nourish your garden and produce less trash. I have been talking about creating an inexpensive compost bin. If you missed the first two parts of this series, you can read them now here A Guide to Inexpensive Composting and here A Guide to Inexpensive Composting 2. Once a week or so, mix your compost. You can do this by rolling the can around a bit or using a shovel or pitchfork to mix it all up. I know, we are supposed to add things in layers, right? But … Continue reading

Home Design Trends—Where Do We Go From Here?

There’s nothing like starting your new year out with a home-improvement look that’s on it’s way out. I’ve spent the last week or so discussing decorating trends. I was inspired by a friend who recently created an interior masterpiece (and she doesn’t complain when I come over and drool on her newly tiled floors). My friend is not the only one jumping on the remodeling bandwagon. According to research conducted by the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies, in the past decade, almost 30 million homes have been “significantly upgraded.” The study revealed that the fastest-growing segment of the market … Continue reading

Jonah (2002)

“Jonah” is the first full-length feature film produced by Big Idea, and was the dream of Phil Vischer from the inception of the company. To date, it is the only feature film released and now that Phil no longer owns Big Idea, who knows if there will be another. But we’ll take what we can get when we can get it. Bob the Tomato is driving a busload of kids to a concert starring Twippo, their favorite children’s song artist. Laura Carrot won the golden ticket and will get to meet Twippo, and she’s having a marvelous time rubbing it … Continue reading

Love That Coffee – What Else Can I Do With It?

I am a coffee addict! I cannot get enough coffee and am known to drink up to a pot a day or more sometimes. Especially while I am writing! I also really enjoy those gourmet coffee’s from the coffee shop, but I avoid them because of their high cost. A real budget breaker! Did you know there are dozens of other ways you can actually use your coffee? For centuries people have been using coffee, coffee grounds and coffee beans for many other uses. Here are some of my favorites! Baking Substitute the water called for in your favorite cookie … Continue reading