Playing up the Playroom

Decorating your child’s playroom may be one of the most fun room makeovers you’ll ever do. Even if you go for a sophisticated look, you’ll obviously still want to add some whimsical touches, since it is after all a “play” room intended for good times. You don’t have to be particular and fussy when it comes to this space. You can be as daring as you like, because kids love funky, brightly colored, interesting objects. Furnishings and accessories don’t need to follow any rigid rules; they just need to come together to fashion an inviting place to play, create, and … Continue reading

Building Bookshelves

Yesterday the boys and I built a bookshelf. It is only an inexpensive bookshelf from the office store, but we were very proud of how it came to together and how it looks in our basement. While my ten old twins have pounded nails before, they had never really used hammers to actually build something. They were excited to see the shelf come together. I started the nails for them, but then they got to drive them in. I think we’ll use some scrap lumber to practice starting nails. I wasn’t sure how our shelves would hold up to blows … Continue reading

Mixing Up Toys

It used to drive me crazy when my kids were little and they would mix up all the different “types” of toys in their big, elaborate, imaginary games. I went to a lot of trouble to create and label separate bins for legos, blocks, play food, etc. and then my kids would mix and match when they actually played with the toys. Turns out that all that mixing and matching actually makes for smarter, more creative kids! My need for organization not withstanding, mixing up “media” or “genre” is actually a good thing and helps kids develop problem-solving and higher-level … Continue reading