Clutter Control Freak Part 1

You would think that as much as I write about clutter and organizing that my house would be perfect. No clutter anywhere, a place for everything and everything in it’s place, but sadly, that’s not the case. Human beings live in my home so things do always make it back to where they should be. I do, however, strongly dislike clutter. It makes me nuts. I think part of it is because I’m a control freak and since there are so many things I can’t control, the clutter in my house needs to be controlled. I have a friend who … Continue reading

Taming the Clutter Creature

I’m a minimalist, not in the things I do, but in the things that I have. At least I try to be. So why is it that it takes me ages to put everything away when I get home? It doesn’t matter if I’m getting home from work or from a day out doing something else. I have a full scale clutter party in my house once I return home, and that seems to be life. Unfortunately, I am also a clutter-o-phobe. While I can live happily with a dirty sink in my bathroom, visual clutter makes me want to … Continue reading

Faking Clean

When I was younger I had a housecleaning business. I cleaned two houses a day, most of them once a week. Although cleaning my house is not my favorite thing, I did like cleaning other peoples homes, it was nice to see the difference and I didn’t get sidetracked like I do at home. I learned a lot during that time, the biggest thing being that it’s easy to fool people. I would sometimes have customers call me for an emergency cleaning because they were having company. I usually had to tell them I didn’t have time because I was … Continue reading