Striking the Balance Between Healthy and Cheap

As a mom, I have to strike a balance between making healthy choices for my family and making financially sound ones. That word, “balance” is key. While I want the best for my family, the best is sometimes out of financial reach. In order to stay health but be cheap, we employ the following strategies in our household. Know the Priorities There are some things that you can compromise on and some things that you can’t. Making sure that the kids get regular medical and dental care is top of the list, organic produce is good, a gym membership can … Continue reading

The Perfectionist and Clutter

When people think of someone who tends to be a perfectionist, they don’t dream that this same person could be hiding mounds of clutter in her or his home. In fact, clutter isn’t the bane of just a hoarding personality. Perfectionists can be just as likely to have clutter, although for different reasons. Earlier today, I had about forty minutes to do laundry and attack and area of the basement that is just piled with clutter. When we moved into our home two years ago, the basement became the sort of staging area for things that didn’t yet have a … Continue reading

Easy Tough Love Tips for De-cluttering

While getting rid excess stuff seems like an easy thing to do (just start in one place and keep going), for many of us de-cluttering is tough to do. From not knowing where to start to having an emotional attachment to our stuff, we can be our own worse enemies when it comes to having an organized home. One thing that may help in your de-cluttering efforts is to practice some tough love with yourself. Practicing tough love means that you establish certain rules for yourself and then follow them most of the time. Notice I said most of the … Continue reading

Cutting Clutter Can Be Simple

Whenever I am faced with clutter or even the idea of bringing something new into the house, I try to ask myself, “Who are you?” Knowing who I am and want I want to do makes it simple to lose the clutter. Here is what I mean. First decide who it is you are or want to be and what it is you want to do. What do you love doing? Do you like to network with other people? Do you enjoy being a caregiver to your children? Are you an artist? Do you like country? Get a clear sense … Continue reading

How to Find Motivation to Remove Clutter

Let’s face it, sometimes it is hard to find the motivation to remove clutter from your home. The job can sometimes feel overwhelming, even if you break it out into steps. Facing clutter can also be unpleasant. When I just look around and don’t want to de-clutter, I try to find a bit of extra motivation to get me up to the task. When you need a little extra boost, try one of these ideas. Blessing others This past weekend I got a good handle on some magazine clutter. There were two bags worth of current and mostly current magazine. … Continue reading

Letting Spring into Your Home and Your Life

When the season changes and becomes spring, it is an opportunity to let new things into your home and into your life. Here are some ways to bring a sense of renewal to the place where you live. Your whole family will notice the difference. The first place to start is to open the windows and let all of air fresh spring air into home. It is a great way to welcome the new time and will help you physically and emotionally, not to mention airing our your home and releasing all of the stale smells. Next bring some more … Continue reading

Three House Rules that Will Eliminate Clutter

Having these house rules in place will make sure that certain clutter just pretty much takes care of itself. I’ve been on a kick to eliminate clutter and keep things organized. Being less than a hundred percent lately showed me how quickly a home can build up the clutter without constant vigilance. Fortunately, having some house rules in place can keep the clutter down on a daily basis. Kids Artwork When new artwork is completed or brought home from school, post one or two to the fridge, bulletin board or wall. The old artwork should be taken down and then … Continue reading

The Clutter Exit Plan

Do you have an exit plan for the clutter that has accumulated in your home? Some simple steps will have it cleaned up and out of the house in no time. If you have been putting steps into place that reduce the amount of clutter coming in to your home, such as avoiding extra purchases and dealing with junk mail, then you have already seen some reduction in clutter. Going through the closets and drawers to identify clutter is just one step toward having a more organized home. But, having an exit plan to remove clutter that already exists in … Continue reading

The Link Between Time and Clutter

As I get older, I start to realize that I really don’t have all of the time in the world. because of this realization, I actually have less clutter. There is a definite link between your time and your clutter. Keep reading, and I’ll explain. We all think that we have more time on our hands than we do. For example, I used to snap up any interesting used book that I could find. But the reality is that even if I started reading for hours a day, it might take me a year to completely finish all of my … Continue reading

I’ll Do It Tomorrow

I went outside this morning for the first time this week. You might think that going three days without ever leaving the apartment is crazy, but there have been weeks this winter when we haven’t ventured out. It’s a beautiful, sunny day, and if I wasn’t able to look at the temperature or see the snow, I’d think it was spring. The sky is blue, there’s a breeze rustling through the trees, and I can hear the mellow clanging of our neighbors’ wind chimes. Sure, I could bundle my baby up and take her for a walk in the stroller. … Continue reading