Thrift Store Gluttony

Are you a thrift store and garage sale glutton? I know that I am. The season of yard and garage sales is upon us, and with it comes the deep desire to buy, buy, buy. I’m not much of a purchaser of new items, and I love a good deal. This means that I can become seriously addicted to the pursuit of happiness through garage sale finds. This also means that I need to watch the clutter that enters my house. Like many others, sometimes I wonder where all of the stuff comes from. Stuff seems to breed in the … Continue reading

Recycling Old T-Shirts

I wrote a blog a while back about how you could recycle old jeans. But, I forgot about old t-shirts – something I have plenty of! What can you do with an old t-shirt? Here are a few ideas: Throw Pillows Old t-shirts, if they are not stained, make excellent throw pillows. Cut a square from the front and back body of the shirt, stuff, and sew together. You can even cut smaller squares from different colored shirts and sew them together to make a more decorative throw pillow. If you have a t-shirt with a logo you love, use … Continue reading

The Decluttering Rules

Yesterday evening I looked into my daughter’s room, only to see a grand mess. It wasn’t that the room was really very messy, but there were little scraps of craft materials everywhere, dolls and stuffed animals piled high, and various doodads on the counters. There was an aura of general disorder, and I can’t stand an aura of general disorder. I’m not a packrat or a clutter person. Visual clutter can be comforting if it feels organized, but I still find it oppressive after a time. I feel a deep need to declutter, to shift things into places where they … Continue reading