Balancing Blogging and Mothering

I squinted to make sense of scattered letters through the glare on my screen.  Focused attempts at deciphering HTML became distracted by bursts of giggling from the other side of my window.  Rejoicing from finally making a text box that scrolled, I missed a small excited voice asking me to “look at me”.  Dripping hair and sopping wet footsteps ran inside to beckon me to join their mini water park complete with a blow up monkey pool.  Promising just five more minutes I shooed away wet fingers from my computer.  Next I looked up and the time for sprinklers, popsicles, and water slides … Continue reading

When a Cold is Not a Cold

Spring fever is spiking in our home.  The last few weeks have been beset with sniffles, sneezes, sore throats and some serious sinus issues. For a long time I thought the aforementioned symptoms were related to the common cold, but a recent trip to the doctor proved otherwise.  The next time you are tempted to self diagnose your child’s runny nose and congestion, consider the other conditions he could be suffering from: Allergies:  Frequent sneezing and itchy, watery eyes, especially during the spring months can be a sign of allergies.  March and April are notorious for having high pollen and … Continue reading

Why Cats Do Weird Things: Pawing Around Water

We know why cats play with their water: they paw it and lick it from their paws, to try to make their water ripple and thus seem fresher.  Cats love fresh water.  But I’ve noticed Cole sometimes do something a bit stranger than that: he paws around his water bowl.  He doesn’t actually dip his paws in, but he scratches at the floor around the water bowl.  Why is he doing that? There isn’t a clear answer as to why; a lot of cat behavior is mysterious to us.  But there are a few educated guesses out there.  The first is … Continue reading

What Happens When Your Water Breaks?

If you are pregnant, chances are you have heard at least one or two accounts of how someone’s water broke when it was almost time for their baby to be born. While having your water break before you head for the hospital is completely normal, it is also normal for your water to remain intact until you are at the hospital and your labor is well underway. What is it like for your water to break? I have no idea, because mine did not break during either pregnancy, it had to be broken both times. I did some research so … Continue reading

Not Buying It

After nearly two decades working in television news, I’ve learned to be a bit more judicious when perusing headlines. In other words, I don’t believe half of what I see published these days, especially viral items that sweep the globe and become water cooler fodder, despite there being very little fact checking prior to their circulation. But, hey, sensationalism sells, so why mess up the money-making process by letting a little thing like the truth get in the way? It’s a question single moms around the world are left to ponder yet again thanks to an anonymous server who claims … Continue reading

Lose Fat, Not Money at Hilton

Staying fit on the road can be challenging, especially if you are not a runner and don’t have the luxury of simply slipping on comfy shoes and heading outside to get in a decent workout. For many people, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is priceless and they are willing to spend a pretty penny in order to stick to their current exercise routine. However, that can be hard when you are traveling for business or pleasure. Tracking down a hotel with a gym can be a pain, not to mention costly. Fortunately, Hilton Hotels and Resorts is making it easier to … Continue reading

Coupons for Totino’s, Pillsbury, Vitaminwater, and More!

There is one thing that all families have in common. They are all going to need to go grocery shopping every once in a while. The best way to save some money on groceries is to bring a bunch of grocery coupons with you. Here are some to get started with. One of the places I look for coupons at is They send me email with links to their newest coupons a couple of times a week. If you use all six of these coupons you will end up saving $3.95. Here is what the latest batch of coupons … Continue reading

How to Water Your Plants During a Drought

Water, water. Sometimes it’s not everywhere. Sometimes there is no rain to be found, not for days and weeks. This is scary for farmers and deeply frustrating for gardeners. In a drought, plants die, and if you rely on these plants for food and shade, this can be very difficult. How can you weather drought and plan for future dry times as well? Let some of your plants go dormant. Lawns and moss will go brown. This is fine. Keep your lawn a little longer before the dry season begins so that it will make as much shade and conserve … Continue reading

Floaties Require a Doctor’s Note?

In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a mother was escorted by police from a public swimming pool because she allowed her son to wear floaties. Her son has cerebral palsy. The pool rules prohibit floaties. Somehow, I think this could have been handled in a way that didn’t require police involvement. Legally speaking, public swimming pools are required to be ADA compliant. This means that public pools, (and the ones in hotels and motels) must meet the requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act. The pools must have permanent lifts or underwater ramps that will provide access into and out of the pool … Continue reading

Mother Does Not Always Know Best

As parents, we often feel that we know what is best for our children. While we certainly do know what is healthy and safe for them, sometimes they know more than we do about what they need at any given time. Dylan reminds me of this at least once every day. You see, sometimes he tells me that he needs something and I brush it off. I take the usual route of assuming that I know what he really needs and I proceed in the direction of my assumption. A few minutes or a few hours later, I realize that … Continue reading