Baby Buying On A Budget

Now that you are pregnant, you are probably thinking about what you will need to have on hand to take care of your baby’s needs once you bring him home. If you are on a tight budget, you may wonder if you will be able to meet all of baby’s needs because there is so much advertising out there that could lead a person to believe that they need to buy many different items in order to be ready to care for their new arrival. The truth is that babies, especially brand new ones, need very little in the way … Continue reading

Buying Mugs

Buying mugs for your house can be interesting, especially if working to a budget and needing them to be inexpensive. Also, a lot will depend on whether they are going to be tucked away in a cupboard when not in use or on display. Recently Mick and I went mug shopping. Every week we have a bible study group meets at our place and if they all turned up we did not have enough mugs. To my mind there’s nothing worse that standing around having tea or coffee and chat while trying to balance a cup of hot beverage in … Continue reading

When Buying Furniture

One of the things needed when buying furniture, whether new or second hand, is to make sure it fits the space where you want it to go. It sounds obvious doesn’t it? Measure up first before you go looking for a piece of furniture. Otherwise you may find when you get it home or it or delivered it doesn’t fit. I have to admit we did that once with a fridge. We had measured the width but never thought to measure the height. As a result when it arrived it would not fit and missed out by about an inch, … Continue reading

Buying a Lounge- Part 2

There can be a huge difference in prices as well as quality in furniture, so it pays to shop around. It’s worth time to go to several places and compare prices, warranties on the workmanship, delivery times, etc. You might want to consider whether in arm chairs you want recliners or rockers or even one of each. Mick prefers the recliner. I find them uncomfortable and would never use the reclining action. I much prefer a rocker, so a suite that had one of each or that could do both would be best for us. Be aware manufacturers may charge … Continue reading

Living Willow: Garden Furniture That Grows

Tomorrow morning I am going to stand solidly by my reputation as the oddest gardener in the neighborhood. A few weeks back, I ordered some living willow rods from a local supplier, and yesterday they arrived at out house. There are twenty seven-foot-tall, thumb-width willow branches waiting to be planted in my front yard. Tomorrow morning I will be out there with a long piece of metal bar, punching holes in the ground to put my willow in, in the hopes that it will root. Why am I planting seven foot tall sticks in my front yard? Well, I love … Continue reading

Why You Should Buy Real Wood Baby Furniture

A Georgia Family recently questioned why their baby had a persistant cough. They had a suspicion that the new furniture was the culprit. They had it tested, and they were right. Formaldehyde and other toxic chemicals used in the making of pressed wood furniture can poision the air. When a child spend 18 hours a day sleeping in that room, it can make them very sick. Parents already are educated on the fact that crib slats hould be no more than 2 3/8 inches apart and that the matress should fit tightly. They assume, however that if the crib is … Continue reading

Buying Used Furniture Today

With this economy, there have been some interesting developments regarding the buying and selling of furniture. Read this post so you can take advantage of buying and do the best you can. We had been looking for a new dining room table that would seat all five of us and maybe a couple of guests as needed. We survived using a small game table for two years, because we didn’t want to spend too much. We finally did get a great table along with the matching six chairs. The economy has really affected the used furniture market. Here is how. … Continue reading

Renting VS Buying

I am sure the title made you think about renting a home versus home ownership. When being frugal however there are alot more things that you need to ponder over when it comes to renting or buying. It amazes me the things people will rent and the prices they will pay for the rental when they could in fact, own the item. Here is a list of items that you should seriously consider purchasing if you are in the habit of renting. Tuxedo: To rent a nice tuxedo can cost $75.00. A really nice tuxedo can be upwards of $200. … Continue reading

When to get furniture from the furniture rental store

(cc) image from flickr As the economy went south, sales at Aarons, went north. The 15% increase in sales can be attributed directly to this being a business that caters to the working poor. As the economy got worse, the customer base at Aarons grew. Aarons, Rent-a-center, Color Tyme and similar rent-to-own companies rent furniture to people who don’t have the money or credit to purchase it outright. The way it works is that they rent a $1000.00 TV for $100.00 a month for a term of 24 months. Along with monthly processing fees, profit on this TV is more … Continue reading

What Husbands and Wive Look for When Buying a House

Now is a good time to buy, especially if you’re buying a first home. Interest rates are down and so are house prices. Before you do, look over your list of requirements. Husbands often tend to want a double garage and perhaps room for a workshop. If it’s a house that’s been built a few years, the husband will look at the condition of walls, ceilings and whether there are any water marks, guttering, drainage etc. Always go and look at the house again when it is raining. This will show up any faults or areas where the water tends … Continue reading