Care of Your Washing Machine

You never realize how much you appreciate an appliance in your home until it breaks down. At the same time, you don’t realize how much you appreciate Mr. Handyman until he figures out how to fix it. A couple of weeks ago, it appeared that my washing machine was done. It was making a loud clunking sound and when it was finished with the final cycle, the clothes were sopping wet. It was bad timing (isn’t it always?) with a trip we have coming up. Buying a new washing machine was not in our budget. Thankfully my husband was able … Continue reading

When the Washing Machine Breaks

Chachuga, chachuga, chachuga, knock, knock, knock. While you might think this was the latest rehearsal for Dancing with the Stars, in reality, it was my washing machine finally giving out. I say finally sort of facetiously, since I still expect appliances to last practically forever. After my husband examined the machine, bless his handyman’s heart, we deliberated and after some discussion decided to get a new washing machine. We saved a good amount money on the purchase, and in the end, spent only about $18 more than what it would have cost to get a new motor and install it … Continue reading

How to Save $200 on a New Appliance

The washing machine breaks down in the middle of a stressful week. The dryer stops tumbling. The dishwasher starts leaking right before your major party. The refrigerator just isn’t big enough to feed your family or for entertaining. Your 40-year-old stove blows up. You need a new appliance. You need it now. You don’t want to spend a fortune. The above scenarios have all happened to us within the last few years. So, you might say that we are getting pretty experienced at buying appliances. Learn from that experience with the following tips that will save you at least $200 … Continue reading

Beware of Sneaky Up-Sell Practices

Sears made the news after a well-known consumer advocate spotted a sneaky up-sell policy that has been in place this holiday season, potentially causing hundreds of consumer to overpay up to $550 on their appliances. Edgar Dworksy went on to to purchase a refrigerator and take advantage of the Black Friday Deals. Unfortunately, after putting the item in his online cart, Sears added another item: a $469 service contract that Dworsky never authorized. If he wasn’t such a careful consumer, he might have gone ahead and checked out, completing the transaction with the added charge. How many of us, … Continue reading

Another One Bites the Dust

Just when we thought it was safe, we had yet another appliance break down on us. With a replacement cost of anywhere from $600 to $1,800, we need some fast thinking and a little bit of faith to reduce that cost as much as possible. The appliance in question happens to be our washing machine. We just replaced the dryer last year and the stove a few months ago. The dishwasher and fridge had to be replaced when we moved in and major repairs were recently made to the oil burner. Sigh. Although I’m not that old, I still think … Continue reading

Anatomy of My Favorite Stain Remover

Have you ever wondered how a couple of spritzes of your favorite stain remover can magically erase ink, mud, ketchup and blood from your favorite garments? How clothes are restored to their original appearance with a few drops or rubs of this stain remover or that homemade concoction has always been a mystery to me. I’m no Sherlock Holmes, and I was never a huge fan of Mr. Wizard, but that didn’t stop me from researching the chemistry behind my favorite stain removers. Recently, I learned that OxiClean is not made by stain remover elves. Rather, the popular cleaner, with … Continue reading

Frugal Dishwasher Cleaner

Is the inside of your dishwasher looking dull? It could be hard mineral deposits that have built up on the inside. These deposits not only make the dishwasher look dirty, but they could also affect its performance. And if you are thinking of selling your home, a dull dishwasher could be a deterrent to potential home buyers. I have heard of people using Tang to get the mineral deposits out. The Tang works well, but it is a bit costly to be used as a dishwasher cleaner, especially if you don’t ordinarily drink the stuff. The reason Tang works so … Continue reading