Yard and Garden: Controlling Snakes

Even if you don’t live out in the country, you may encounter snakes in your yard or garden. There are various types of snakes, many of which are not only harmless but may also be beneficial. They tend to eat other pests. Still, it is wise to avoid contact with snakes since you may not know which ones are dangerous. Pit vipers have triangle shaped heads with a “dent” or pit between the eyes and should always be avoided. Watch where you step and don’t reach into piles with bare hands. Use a rake or a shovel to reach in … Continue reading

Home Pest Control: Spiders

Many spiders are fairly harmless unless a person is sensitive to spider bites. In fact, spiders can be useful as they help control other insects. However, some spiders are venomous and can cause severe reactions, especially in small children, the elderly, or people in poor health or with compromised immune systems. Some people are also allergic. There are some things you can do to help decrease the spider population in your home and lessen the chance of being bitten by a spider. The first step is to dust and vacuum thoroughly and regularly, especially in corners, crevices, and out of … Continue reading