Cinderella Shoes

I have discovered a really great benefit to losing weight in addition to the obvious joy that you feel when you lose the weight. I would not have believed it myself if I had not found numerous accounts regarding it or experienced this reality firsthand. With losing weight I have experienced a decrease in my shoe size. I am thrilled, to say the least. It has opened up a whole, new shopping experience for me in a whole other area besides new clothes. Not one of those petite girls I have always wanted smaller feet. They are not like Cinderella’s … Continue reading

Check Your Foot Shape To Get The Right Kind Of Shoe

Footprints show us where we’ve been… but they can also help point you in the right direction going forward. Your foot shape can show you the way to the right kind of shoe to reduce foot pain and body strain. So how do you figure out your foot shape? It’s quick and easy! Take off your shoes and socks. Wet the bottom of your foot. Step onto a fresh, clean piece of paper. Check out the imprint you’ve made. You have a high arch if the imprint has only a narrow band connecting the ball of the foot with the … Continue reading

ShoeScanners and Toddlers

Recently, I’ve done alot of bragging about what a wonderful little traveler my toddler daughter is… well, now it’s confession time. There is a part of flying that she absolutely dreads—-removing her shoes at airport security. I’m not exactly sure what causes her such distress (on our recent trip to Hawaii she screamed each time we had to deposit her shoes into the plastic bin and watch them travel through the X-ray machine). We don’t wear shoes in our home—maybe that’s it. Whatever the reason, she had an absolute fit in three different airports. I’m sure the TSA agents there … Continue reading

Return of the Area Rug

In a previous blog I told you about how shag carpeting was making a comeback. Personally, I have never been a fan of the furry carpeting, so it’s a trend I wouldn’t consider incorporating into my home’s décor. However, there is another trend in flooring that interests me very much—-area rugs. Research shows that area rugs are growing in popularity and are becoming more than just room “accessories.” An increasing amount of homeowners are using area rugs to divide a room or define a space within a larger room. For example, if you live in a studio apartment, an area … Continue reading

How About Some Leather Floors?

Have you ever considered covering your floors with banana leaves? How about leather, or cork? Some homeowners are not only considering it, they’re doing it. A recent survey done by the Home Depot design team revealed that leather flooring is the hottest new trend in interior decorating. Designers say the material is so popular because it looks different a year later and naturally absorbs sound. I wasn’t kidding about the banana leaf option either. Rugs are being made out of banana leaves to mimic silk flooring. The leaves are especially popular among homeowners who are concerned with using environmentally friendly … Continue reading

Who Knew Shag Carpet Would Make A Comeback?

If you have pets or kids (or both) then your flooring likely takes a daily beating. I know this for a fact. Despite the fact we have a no-shoes policy in our home, our 2.5-year-old carpet is already riddled with Play-Doh scars, matchbox car tracks, and the occasional Sharpie stain (don’t ask). This, of course, is very disconcerting for me since I recently learned that savvy homeowners are treating their floors as a fifth wall. According to interior designers, floors have become a huge element in design and in the resale of a home. In fact, in 2005, more than … Continue reading

My Mock Mudroom

What’s in your dream home? For most people their ideal home would be equipped with a theater or a chef’s kitchen, or perhaps, a huge master bathroom with an adjoining walk-in closet and sitting area. While I would love to have all of those things in my home, the one thing I could not live without is a mudroom. My ultimate dream home would include a gigantic mudroom complete with a row of lockers–one for each member of my family to hang his or her coat and bag and stash boots and shoes. It would also have a long bench … Continue reading